Wednesday, November 5, 2008

DGGBA: breast tranny

DGGBA stands for dave gulbis gives bad advice. No, Google image search! I did not mean "DGGB"! What the hell is DGGB anyways???

dave gulbis,
What should I do with my pussy hairs? One guy I dated told me to never cut the hairs. Another had me wax it all off. Another liked it trim.
shave that shit? (video might be NSFW, unless you work in a warehouse, Foot Locker, or fishing boat. basically anywhere where you can talk about eating pussy without pissing your boss off)


dear shave that shit,

wow, it's not often that i'm out-crassed (or, as in elizabethan, outcrass'd). in fact, just the other day, when i was having unprotected anal sex with the guy who does the voice for grover on sesame street, i was thinking out loud, "wow, nobody's really given me a chance lately to show off how vulgar i can be. if only someone would send me a letter asking for advice on their genital maintenance, then i could really strut my stuff!" (of course, it was hard to say all of this through the ball gag, but when you've got a mouth as big as mine, you can manage)

it's an age-old question STS...shaved or unshaved? waxed or wavy? fur pie or Nair smoothie? but so often the question focuses on the puss-er and not the puss-y. How can i make him happy? (or her i guess) How can I get him off? (again, or her. or them for that matter)

but you know what? it's your pussy STS, and let's face it, you're the one who wakes up with it every morning, wipes the crust out of its eyes, and gets it warmed up and ready to start a new day. so instead of asking me what you should do with your pussy hairs, you should be asking the same question to your pussy. i think you'll be surprised at how opinionated your pussy may be on the topic. so listen up, and cherish your time alone with the most special part of your body (unless you're like me and a bit more of a breast man. or breast woman. or breast tranny, what-fucking-ever). Thanks for your letter, and thanks for talking with me about your pussy.

heart - dave

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