Thursday, November 29, 2007

DGGBA: egg, fig, dig, dog

DGGBA stands for dave gulbis gives bad advice. DGGBA also proves that it's not always better to give than receive, you lucky bastards, you!

Dear Dave or something,
Should I punch the mall Santa? He's very loud.
Valerie A. Lines


Dear Valerie A. Lines,
Did you know that your initials spell your name? V.A.L.? Wow, holy crap. That's really cool. Did you parents plan that? That would be really funny. My last name is Gulbis, I wonder if you could do that with my name. What names end with G? Hmm. Doug? Oh wait, that's 4 letters. I guess I could be Dug. Like Dug Ulysses Gulbis. But who wants to be named Dug, sounds like a caveman name, Dug and Ug and Gob. Wait, Gob! Oh, oops, that starts with G. Leg, peg, hag, egg, fig, dig, dog, fog, gag, cig, wag, rag, tag, oog, pog, sag, dag, fag, jag, keg, leg, mag, bog, hog...
If mall santa is being anywhere as annoying as the above paragraph, you should definitely punch him. Thanks for the letter!

heart - dave

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