Monday, November 26, 2007

DGGBA: kick the ball, and hard

DGGBA stands for dave gulbis gives bad advice. it can also stand for dave gulbis gives bad acronyms.

dear dave,
will you be my life coach?
-connor "amateur life coach" morrison


dear connor -
life is not a game, but kickball is a game, and one that i enjoy playing. so while i can't be your life coach, i can be your kickball coach, and here's your first lesson:

- never underestimate the importance of a good stretch before a game. i recommend taking care to exercise the groin region of your body because in addition to all of the strenuous kicking and running involved in the sport kickball, there are also occassions (albeit rare) where you actually will be kicked in the balls. a loose and limber groin can help avoid serious injury.
- while there are many differing opinions on this matter, and i'm sure i'll receive plenty of letters from various kickball "experts" correcting me, i subscribe to the school of "kick the ball hard" - meaning, don't kick the ball softly, or miss the ball altogether. kick the ball, and hard.
- like most games, kickball is best enjoyed while under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants. (note: if life were actually a game, i would give this same tip as well)

thanks for your letter, connor, and happy kicking.

heart - dave

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