Monday, December 10, 2007

DGGBA: flex your genius bone

DGGBA stands for dave gulbis gives bad advice. DGGBA might also stand for dave gulbis gets way drunk at the revolver christmas party and can't see straight, but to be honest, we'll have to wait until tomorrow to verify that one.

dear DGGBA,
i am way drunk and need to write my advice column. what should i do?
love fuckin' dear abby or something.
dear fuckin' dear abby or something,
being too drunk to give advice is like being too drunk to pee your pants while trying to make out with your best friend's cousin. suck it up and flex your genius bone - people depend on you EVERY DAY to solve their made-up problems and if you can't handle that, then i don't recommend getting any pets, plants, and/or children any time soon because advice giving is as easy as it gets. thanks for your letter, and good luck at work tomorrow.

heart - dave

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