Monday, December 3, 2007

DGGBA: un deux trois

DGGBA stands for dave gulbis gives bad advice. According to this site, DGGBA is also the chord progression for the chorus to "Lucky in Love" by the Rolling Stones.

Dear Dave,
I've always wanted to write an advice column. Do you have any suggestions on how to get started?
Hi Fanny,
Becoming an advice columnist is really as easy as ABC, 123, or un deux trois (but only if you're really fluent in French and counting to three comes really really easy to you).

un) Get the twitches under control. Sorry to be blunt but no one wants advice from a twitcher.

deux) make friends with a lot of needy people. or, if you're not one for making friends, BE a really needy person, and get one of those name dictionaries that people buy if they're having trouble naming their kids. (by the way, you might need one of those name dictionaries anyways in case someone asks for advice on naming their kids.)

trois) after establishing yourself as a voice of reason (see deux parts i-xii, not posted), find a struggling newspaper or magazine. "advise" the owner on how to improve business, and then after s/he follows your advice, buy as many copies of his/her paper as possible. They'll credit your great advice for the spike in sales, and be so grateful that they'll give you a column ON THE SPOT!

Hope this helps Fanny. Maybe someday you'll advise me on what to do after I've solved all the world's problems with my own column.

heart - dave

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