Friday, December 14, 2007

DGGBA: things that aren’t weird

DGGBA stands for dave gulbis gives bad advice, though i am considering changing the name of my column to an unpronounceable symbol. news to come.

Dear David,
There's this boy I really like, but we were making out the other day and he stopped kissing me and said "do you want to feel something weird?" I sort of changed the subject, but now I feel a little freaked out. What do you think he meant? Do you think I should I feel it?
Mystified in the Mission


Dear Mystified in the Mission,
This is sort of a tricky question, but the answer could help you sort out some issues in your relationship. I say feel it, and if it is weird, then it can be something you and he can get weirded out by together. If it isn't weird, then, to quote my fellow advice columnier Dan Savage, DTMFA. You sound like a busy young free-wheeling gal, and you've got no time in your busy, young, free-wheeling Mission life to be touching things that aren't weird. Thanks for your letter - let me know how it turns out!

heart - dave

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